Serfas Thunderbolt – Review
Thunderbolt Light
USB headlamp and tail light review by Tim Keith.
Variant Perfect Flex Saddle Serfas introduces the Variant as the world’s first customizable saddle, tuning your fit to your weight and and cycling style, at Interbike 2016. Watch Bike Shop LIVE on YouTube. The unscripted reality show streams Saturdays 10am-2pm eastern on BikemanforU Channel
For Serfas TSL Lights: TSL-350, TSL-550 and TSL-750. This instructional video shows you how to swap out lenses on our new TSL-350, 550, and 750 Lights. All of these lights come with interchangeable lens for Standard or Wide Beam Patterns.
Cyclo Tire and E-Lume 1500 Light Review by Aaron Gerth, Brand Ambassador The hills in Southern Cal are starting to change from an emerald green to a more familiar hue, gold, hence,the golden state moniker. I’m still out there riding regardless of the temps or the time change. Still rolling on the @serfas_inc Cyclo tires and…
“Blast” Audible Warning System Coming up with ways to make you safer on the road, when using Serfas lights. Our “Blast” audible warning system emits a loud 85 decibel signal when your light battery gets under 10 minute runtime in that specific mode.
Road Serfas’ New Commercial (Road) as seen during coverage of the 2013 Tour de France.
Orion Blast Tail Light UTLA-8 Review This top-of-the-line bike headlight from Serfas seems to have it all.
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