Commuter Front Light Group Test
E-Lume USL-600 Review
Full review and commuter group test coming soon. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe for more.
Summer is here! Yet so quickly daylight hours are already dwindling which means days are getting shorter once again, but don’t let shorter days stop you from riding. Serfas® offers a vast array of high-performance battery powered LED lighting solutions to allow cyclists to see and be seen on the road and/or trail after the…
Serfas Cyclo Tire Review by Aaron Gerth, Brand Ambassador I participated in the Stradarossa 2017, but only completed 40+ miles of the 64 mile option due to an on going respiratory issue I’ve been having. The 40 miles I logged on the @serfas_inc Cyclo tires was enjoyable. Super easy to mount on my rims and air up….
Brake Pads Review by David Tate, Brand Ambassador After 500 or so miles of riding in the southern Appalachians and southeastern U.S., it was time to pull my Serfas DBP-A4 pads and replace them with some new pads. The pads performed very nicely, they provided good, consistent stopping power with no noise.
Serfas Brand Ambassador, Ian Barnes, Won The Arnold Classic National Sprint Triathlon! Ian Barnes @seekingapurpose: “Surreal experience meeting Arnold, sitting with his best friend Franco Columbu and listening to him recall their chess battles while training together, and hearing Jim Lorimer speak. Great tales of friendship and a commitment to keep the Arnold in Columbus….
Seca Pro Tires Review by Thomas More, Brand Ambassador I have been commuting and racing bicycles for the last 5 years and just recently gave the Variant saddle and Seca Pro tires a try.
Super Cruiser (Reactive Gel) Serfas largest saddle available with rails reviewed by BikemanforU.
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